El-Kerbala'i: Authorities Concerned Must Liberate Amerli, & Defending Home Great Honor for Those of Great Portion of Good

Aug 22, 2014. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, His Eminence Sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala'i, mentioned several issues: 1. All people know that Amerli has been surrounded by the ISIS terrorist groups for more than two months, while its people have been defying death boldly against those terrorist militants, although the lack of weapons, ammunition, and food delivered to them by helicopters. Therefore, the authorities concerned must break down that siege around Amerli as soon as possible, and people should be saved from the ISIS inhumane militants that the whole world witnessed who they cruelly they treat civilians. 2. Defending home and people and struggling against the terrorist groups is, in fact, a great honor where such a rank of honor is not obtained but by those of a great portion of good. Soldiers and compatriots who joined the soldiers in terms of defending their country are highly thanked, and their efforts are highly appreciated. Moreover, there are a few people who are assisting the Iraqi army against the ISIS militants have committed mistakes by attacking civilians or offending them, and everything bad they did is strongly condemned and denounced. Anything might damage or hurt people is strongly condemned. Defending the country, its properties and holy shrines can never go along with attacking civilians, regardless of those civilians' ethnic backgrounds, or their religious or political affiliation. 3. Political blocs are, nowadays, holding intensive talks on forming a new government within the constitutional term which will be over in twenty days. All the people in the authority are agreed to form a government properly, which must be able to resolve the problems of the country, restoring the rights to the people, ensuring security, and fighting corruption. 4. Not only is it the responsibility of the Prime Minister, but it is also the responsibility of all the political blocs; those who should be qualified enough to wholeheartedly serve their country, away from racism, sectarianism, or regionalism. It is hoped that all the blocs would cooperate with each other in terms of supporting Iraq to get over this crisis. Translated by: Mohammed Jasim