Es-Safi: Parliament Must Consider the Issue of the Displaced, & Iraqi Forces Must Avoid Hurting Innocents

Aug 15, 2014. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, His Eminence sayyed Ahmed Es-Safi mentioned three issues: First. The tragedies of the displaced people are still ongoing wherever they are; where the mass media shares photos of them, expressing how far the displacers "ISIS terrorist groups" are from mercy, humanity, and the Islamic values. Charities and Iraqi people began to provide the displaced people with their needs, as well as the Iraqi government, the International Community, and other international organizations who are taking good steps towards those families, but still there r many more needs required to be fulfilled. Therefore, people of charity should keep sustaining those displaced, the parliament needs to highly take care of their issue, and should lay out plans to resolve their problems. Second. The Iraqi army and volunteers are still fighting the ISIS terrorist groups in various places. All of them are to be praised for their great endeavor. Prayers are to be lifted, requesting mercy for the martyrs and healing for the injured. Third. The president of Iraq asked National Alliance candidate to form a new government within a month, and that happened after a series of arguing and differences. It seems it is a good beginning as long as the new government is welcomed regionally and internationally. The recent events stormed Iraq, which resulted to devastating some Iraqi cities and be occupied by the ISIS terrorist groups. Such events unsettled the inner political relations among the Iraq citizens. All of those factors made it necessary to change something in the government and some political positions. It is hoped that all the parliaments take the responsibility and cooperate with the prime minster commissioned to order to form a strong government and qualified so as to correct all the faults, in addition to restoring the rights of the Iraqis. Eliminating corruption is the top priority if the Iraqi government. If corruption remains in the government will impede the moves of the government. His Eminence concluded his speech, praying: "May the Almighty Allah grant all people success, bless them, protect them from every evil, help us have a strong country. Praise be to Allah." Translated by: Mohammed Jasim