Francisco Joseleas: Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him), the Slain Completed Ibrahim's Sacrifice

The researcher Francisco Joseleas, mentioned in his research that Imam Hussein's sacrifice truly manifests the relationship between earth and paradise. Evidently, the angels of Almighty Allah, were present at the At-Taf battle. Moreover, Kerbala, is a piece of land of paradise; with it, paradise is completed. Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon) maintained the covenant of Allah, and this is what the Awaited Imam El-Mehdi, (May Allah Hasten His Reappearance) in En-Nahyea salutation. He also mentioned prophet Ibrahim, (Peace Be Upon Him), the father of the prophets (Peace Be Upon Them) and the destroyer of the idols, who was commanded by Almighty Allah, to slay his son as a sacrifice, through which to express his faithfulness to Almighty Allah. But, Allah, the most Merciful, ransomed him with a great sacrifice (ram). Imam Hussein completed the covenant by sacrificing himself for all humanity, and through such a sacrifice, he is now the intercessor for the people to Almighty Allah. He added, "As a good example to mention is El-Hur Er-Ryahi, who was on the evil way and then resorted to the ark of Salvation "Imam Hussein" (Peace Be Upon Him), embraced Islam, declared his repentance, and fought until he was martyred."He mentioned further that Almighty Allah, ransomed prophet Ibrahim, (Peace Be Upon Him) for the sake and for the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, (Peace Be Upon Him).He concluded by mentioning that, "Prophet Jeremiah, (Peace Be Upon Him) mentioned, in the old testament, the great sacrifice of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) in Kerbala. Also, a great person, of the lineage of Fatimatuz-Zehra' (Peace Be Upon Her) would appear to be the ark of salvation for all humanity." By: Wela' Es-SeffarTranslated by: Mohammed Jasim