Kerbala Court Judge to Deliver a Research on Imam Zainul-Abedeen (PBUH)

"Imam Zainul-Abedeen, (Peace Be Upon Him) is a path of creativeness" is the title of the research that the Kerbala court judge Mr. Rafid Hemeed Fereg, is going to deliver at the First International Sejjadian Hymns Conference. These are information from his autobiography:Full Name: Rafid Hemeed Ferej. Place & Date of Birth: Kerbala Province 1973. Education: B.A. in Law 1994 – 1995. Diploma in judicial science. A graduate of the Iraqi Judicial Institute2006 – 2007. Career: Judge. Job Address: Kerbala Court of the Headquarter of Kerbala Federal Appeal Court. Place of Residency: Kerbala Province.Licensed by the Iraqi Bar Association in 1995. Worked as a plenipotentiary lawyer since 1995 to 2005 inside and outside Iraq. Licensed as an expert judge in 1999. Worked at Baghdad Court since 2007 to 2009. Worked at Kerbala Court since 2009 to 2011. Worked at El-Hindiya Court of Misdemeanor since 2011 to2013. Worked at Kerbala Court of Misdemeanor since Aug 4, 2013 to Sep 28, 2013. working at Kerbala Court since Sep 28, 2013 as a third type judge. Elected as a member of the Iraqi Judiciary Association Board since 2012 to 2014. A member of Kerbala Council of Notables. A member of the Iraqi Judiciary Association. A member of the Human Rights Watch Organization. A member of the Iraq Press Association. A member of the Iraq Press Union. A member of the Iraqi Artists Association – Department of Plastic Art. A member of the Public Association of the Arab Educated, Intellectuals, and Writers Union. A member of the Iraqi Jurists Union. A member of the Public Union of the Iraqi Popular Intellectuals. A member of the Iraqi Genealogy Authentication Bond. A member of the committee of writing Kerbala encyclopedia. A member of the Social Solidarity Committee in Kerbala. A founder-member in the Youth Bestowal Organization for Culture and Media in Kerbala. A member of the Liberal Journalists League. The Chairman of the Board of the Cultural Insight Magazine. A graduate in Criminal Evidence Course in Jordan, in 2008. A graduate in Electronic Government, held at El-Kerkh Court of Appeal, in 2008. Worked as a member of the committee on applying the amnesty law, numbered 19, at the Federal Headquarter of El-Kerkh Court of Appeal in 2008.A graduate in Computer Course, held in the El-Kerkh Federal Court of Appeal. Wrote many books on tribes, literature, history, and poetry. Wrote many researches and studies on law and Human Rights, and Woman and Election. Wrote many essays in the media on the cultural law, Human Rights, Woman,, Election, and Constitution.Contributed in media, in terms of Juristic Law in Defending Human Rights and Elections within the Democratic Experience in Iraq. Participated in many conferences and cultural symposiums in Iraq and abroad. Contributed in codifying many rules for some Civil Society Organizations, unions, and leagues. Participated in Anti-Violence Against Woman Conferences. Participated in developing popular and Folklore crafts, and maintaining the historical and popular heritage of Kerbala.Participated in the cultural conferences and symposiums, National Reconciliation Conferences and Symposiums, and Tribal Dispute Settlement Council. Wrote many books on the tribal, poetic, and literary aspects of the course of life of Ahlul-Bay (Peace Be Upon Them). Held many exhibitions for glass painting, painting with sand, and painting with minerals. Held and did many works and workshops for stone, wood, and mineral curving. Participated in in many exhibitions and festivals on plastic arts, curving, and Arabic calligraphy in Iraq and abroad.Many appreciation letters, creativity prizes, and thanking letters were conferred on him in recognition of the his participation in Iraq and abroad. His plastic arts course started since 1995 to the present time. Exhibitions he participated in are: 1. First exhibition in 1995 in Amman, Jordan. 2. Second exhibition in 1997 in Beirut, Lebanon. 3. Third exhibition in 1999 in Babylon, Iraq. 4. Fourth exhibition in 2000 in Khartoum, Sudan. 5. fifth exhibition in 2001 in Kerbala, Iraq. 6. Sixth exhibition in 2002 Cairo, Egypt. 7. Seventh exhibition in 2004 in Baghdad, Iraq. 8. Eighth exhibition in 2006 in Tunisia, Tunisia. 9. Ninth exhibition in 2008 in Istanbul, Turkey. 10. Tenth exhibition in 2009 in Damascus, Syria. 11. Eleventh exhibition in 2011 Tehran, Iran. 12. Twelfth exhibition in 2012 Tehran, Iran. Currently, he is preparing for holding an exhibition of Plastic Art on the history of Kerbala Province as well as a panorama of Et-Taf battle. By: Wela' Es-SeffarTranslated by: Mohammed Jasim