Gran Christian Poet Ghessan Mutar Participates in the Sejjadian Hymns Conference

During a visit made by the delegation included the head of the Public Relations Department Mr. Jemal Ed-Deen Esh-Shehristani, and Mr. Wela' Es-Seffar, the head of the Electronic Media Division of the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine to Lebanon, the grand Christian poet Ghessan Mutar received the delegation and expressed his willingness to visit the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine and deliver a poem about Imam Es-Sejjad (Peace Be Upon Him) on the anniversary commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Es-Sejjad, (Peace Be Upon Him) which will coincide on with the Sejjadian Hymns Conference. He also said, "I am so pleased to come to Kerbala in order to deliver a poem, especially I am a Christian but I am Muslim in culture and obligation." Mutar, used to be a member of parliament, and now is the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Writers Union. He also has a collection of great poems.Translated by: Mohammed Jasim