Michael Ka'di: I'll Come to Kerbala to Deliver my Research on Imam Es-Sejjad (PBUH) in the Christians' Thought

The Christian writer and college teacher Mr. Michael Ka'di, expressed his willingness to write a book on Imam Es-Sejjad (Peace Be Upon Him) at the Sejjadian Hymns Conference which will be held next Moharram month. During a visit made by the delegation of the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine represented by the head of the Department of Public Relations Mr. Jemal Ed-Dean Esh-Shehristani, and the head of the Electronic Media Division Mr. Wela' Es-Sefar, Ka'di, said, "It is a pleasure to visit Kerbala Province and the Holy Shrines of Ahlul-Bayt (Peace Be Upon Them)." He said further that he dedicated a great part of his life to writing books on Ahlul-Bayt (Peace Be Upon Them). In addition, he is writing a book, titled "Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib, Method – Spirit – Jurisprudence"Imam Hussain Holy Shrine is receiving all books, researches, and studies on Imam Es-Sejjad (Peace Be Upon Him) at trl@imamhussain.org.Translated by: Mohammed Jasim