Father William Nekhla: I'm Willing to Write a Book on Imam Es-Sejjad (PBUH)

The sponsor of the diocesan in Surre, Lebanon, father William Nekhla, expressed his willingness to participate in the Sejjadian Hymns Conference by writing a book on the human rights that Imam Es-Sejjad (Peace Be Upon Him) laid out. He said that he is eager to visit the holy shrines in Iraq, especially the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine. He said further that Imam Hussain has a great standing in Christians, especially there are common factors between Imam Hussain and Jesus, such as grievance and fighting injustice.The Imam Hussain Holy Shrine invites all writers and intelcia to write a book or a research on Imam Es-Sejjad and send them at trl@imamhussain.org. Translated by: Mohammed Jasim