Melkite Greek Catholic Archbishops in Lebanon Respond to the Invitation of Imam Hussain Holy shrine

The delegation of the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine, headed by the head of the Public Relations Department Mr. Jamal Ed-Deen Esh-Shehristani,, and the head of the Electronic Division Mr. Wela' Es-Seffar, of the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine visited the Melkite Greek Catholic archbishops in Lebanon in terms of inviting them to visit the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine. The delegation visited Jorge Baq'oni, who warmly welcomed the delegation of the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine. They also officially invited the sponsor of the Maronite Diocese, the bishop Shukra Nebeel El-Haj.The archbishops expressed their willingness to visit the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine, and to participate in the First Sej-jadian Hymns Conference. Translated by: Mohammed Jasim