Closing the Activities of the Cultural Week in Islamabad, Pakistan

The cultural week held by the Imam Hussain Holy shrine in Islamabad, Pakistan was closed within a great ceremony held at Al-Kauther University. The closing ceremony was begun with reciting verses of the Noble Quran by the Quran reciter Haj Adil El-Kerbala'i, followed by a speech delivered by the Vice President of the university Sheikh Anwar Ali En-Nejefi, in which he reviewed some of the most significant activities that had been held. Prozes were given by the delegation of the Imam Hussain to some participating people, in addition to announcing the names that won the in the competition. Honor shields were granted to the delegation members of the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine and the El-Abbas Holy Shrine.Sayed Ala' El-Musawi, said that such activities held by the Imam Hussan Holy Shrine primarily contribute in disseminating Islam of Ahlul-Bayt (Peace Be Upon Them) to all people all over the world. The number of the visitors who visited the cultural week was more than fifteen thousand ones. Translated by: Mohammed Jasim