Coinciding with the tragedy of Imam Hussein (PBUH), a Nabk tree bleeds mourning for the master of martyrs

A very extraordinary event coincided with the inner tragic event of Imam Hussein's martyrdom. A Nabk tree bled as if it sorrowfully wept bloodily for the son of the greatest Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him & His Pure Progeny). The tree located at one of the Kerbala people's houses. The owner of the house Mr. Sebeeh Abdul Reheem Es-Sa'idi said, "We have actually noticed that event a night before the first day of Moharram month, specifically at the time when the banner of the dome of Imam Hussein Holy Shrine was being replaced. We took a close look at the tree, and then we realized a deep red substance was emerging from it. Once we saw that we immediately phoned an agronomist who confirmed that there was no scientific evidence to justify producing such a red adhesive waxy substance by a tree."It's been mentioned that it was a divine issue dedicated to inform and draw the attention of the entire world to get to know Imam Hussein's story. Moreover, it is a tree mentioned in the Noble Quran, so it is worthy to manifest a miracle of Imam Hussein (PBUH). Last year, a divine miracle of Imam Hussein (PBUH) occurred when an amount of soil taken from around the holy grave of Imam Hussein (PBUH) and displayed at the museum of the Holy Shrine began to bleed. By: Ibrahim El-UainiTranslated by: Mohammed Jasim