Quran House of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine raises "O Hussein" banner over the dome of Lady Zaineb (PBUH) Holy Shrine in Syria

On the occasion of Moharram month, Quran House delegation from the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine has raised Imam Hussein and El-Abbas banners over the Lady Zaineb Holy Shrine in Syria.The head of the Quran House Mr. Muntadhar El-Mensuri, said, "The initiative of raising Imam Hussein and El-Abbas banners over the Lady Zaineb Holy Shrine was taken in order to confirm to the whole world that we are the adorers of Ahlulbait (PBUT).He added that Quran ,evening ceremonies were held in the Lady Zaineb (Peace be upon her) Holy Shrine and Miss. Ruqaiya Holy Shrine. It's been mentioned that sorrow atmosphere pervaded everything there on the occasion of Ashura, the tragedy of Imam Hussein (PBUH).By: Hussein El-KhsheamiTranslated by: Mohammed Jasim
