A five thousand years antiquity back to Museum of Imam Hussein Holy Shrine

The Museum of Imam Hussein Holy has received an antiquity which dates back five thousand years belonging to the Phoenician era. It has been presented to the museum by a Lebanese family. Mr. Ala' Diya; Ed-Deen, the head of the museum said that since the museum was opened, many antiquities have been presented as gifts to the museum by the adorers of Ahlulbait (PBUT). He added that the museum honorably welcomed Dr. Qiblan Qiblan, the Chairman of the Board and responsible of the infrastructure of South Lebanon. He also clarified that the antiquity was a ship-shaped ashlar which indicates that Imam Hussein is the ark of salvation as the Prophet Mohammed (Allah's peace and mercy be upon him and his pure family)said. Based on that, the Lebanese family took a wonderful initiative by donating it to the museum. Some Lebanese experts confirm that it dates five thousand years. It is 40 cm long and 20 cm wide. He extended his gratitude to Dr. Qiblan for providing the museum with a unique antiquity. Qiblan's daughter-in-law, who delivered the antiquity to the museum instead of Dr. Qiblan, who couldn't attend due to force majeure, clarified that the family could not find a better place to put it, but the museum of Imam Hussein Holy Shrine because it is worth nothing towards Imam Hussein (PBUH) and towards what he sacrificed for Islam. By: Mostafa Mulla Hethal Translated by: Mohammed Jasim Mohammed
