El-Kerbala'I, denounces the recent terrorist attacks, & calls for a law protects supporting blocs

Oct 4, 2013. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, his eminence Sheikh Abdul Mehdi El-Kerbala'i, denounced the recent terrorist attacks on Es-Sedr city and Arbil, which caused hundreds of loss of lives, and injured people. Especially, the rate of such terrorist attacks have increasingly been ongoing which is statistically declared approximately 3000 killed and injured people. His eminence shed light upon the attacks on Arbil, considering it as a concrete proof that terrorism never excepts any area, it only targets all Iraqi people. He also called for benefiting from the great security and vocational cooperation taken by the local government of Arbil, which decreased the causalities. Therefore, all the security gaps should be taken care of as soon as possible, he mentioned. His eminence also mentioned the law of election which is determined to be passed by the parliament. He said that it is unfortunately that some blocs struggle to add an article, or to modify that law so as to lead to their own benefits, and not what should lead to succeed the security and democratic process in the country. He asked for legislating an article within the law of election which ensures a safe means of supporting the blocs and political parties, in order that each political party be liberal, as well as to assist them to be not controlled by the foreign entities which attempt to operate regardless of the public interest. Concerning electricity, his eminence said that it's been noticed that the power has recently been improved, in which gratitude should be extended to those who worked on it, and the continuity of power will contribute in providing many employment opportunities. He concluded by prioritizing energy conservation in order to maintain the perpetuation of power.Translated by: Mohammed Jasim Mohammed
