El-Kerbala'i, calles security forces and patriots for stopping what is happening

Sep 20, 2013. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, his eminence Sheikh Abdul Mehdi El-Kerbala'i, has mentioned that Iraq witnessed denominational security events that happened in many Iraqi cities in the last few days, as well as displacing families and the targeting mosque preachers from the gracious Sunni denomination. El-Kerbala'I, has emphasized the role of the security forces in terms of stopping these kind of terrorist attacks. His eminence also called both sides for taking precautions from the critical status quo, which is threatening the Iraqi future. He also clarified that terrorist attacks kill people from both sides."It is not only the security forces that should take a remarkable role in stopping the terrorist attacks" His eminence also added that every Iraqi individual should hold himself responsible for what is taking place in order to help in pulling out Iraq from this denominational security events, because not doing so will drag Iraq to unknown future.He also appealed to those whom are patriots, or those who feel humanity should review the Islamic religion in order to be aware of, and it is not humane to target some innocents from a certain denomination, and it is against human rights. He added further that all the security forces and the concerned officials should spear no time to recover from the current status. Translated by Mohammed Jasim Mohammed
