Congratulations offered on Birthday of Imam Er-Rida (PBUH)

Imam Hussein Holy Shrine congratulates the Awaited Imam El-Mehdi (May Allah hasten his reappearance) on the Birthday of the infallible Eighth imam Ali Bin Musa Er-Rida (PBUH). Imam El-Kadhim (PBUH) said, "I heard my father Imam Jader bin mohammed (PBUH) saying (One of the greatest scholars of the progeny of Mohammed and his lineage is in your backbone, I wish I could be with him, because he has the same namesake of the Commander of the faithful Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib (PBUH))"His father is Imam Musa son of Imam Ja'fer (PBUH). His mother is Um Welad and used to be called Um El-Benean. Her name is Nejma, she was one of the greatest women at that time.It has been narrated that the mother of Imam Er-Rida (PBUH) that she once said, "Once I was pregnant with Imam Er-Rida (PBUH), I did not feel that my pregnancy was heavy, I used to hear enrolling and supplicating to Almighty Allah, and when I woke up I did not hear anything.Once I gave birth to him, he put his hand on the ground, facing heaven, quietly moving his lips as if he was speaking. His father Imam Musa came into the room then said to me (congratulation on the divine bliss.) I gave him to his father wrapped up in a white cloth, then he called to prayer in his right ear, and called to establish prayer in his left ear, and then asked for some water from Euphrates River, and wetted the Imam Er-Rida's jaw then gave him back to me and said () Take him, he is the divine successor on Earth)." Translated by: Mohammed Jasim
