Aug 16, 2013 is the anniversary of the trespassing of the Wahabi people against the Imams sanctuaries by destroying them completely which is considered an aggressive sacrilege and violating their holiness. They sanctuaries used to include for tombs of the infallible Imams of the lineage of the Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him & his pure lineage), in addition to some tombs of the companions and wives of him also. The El-Beqee' Area is a holy area which is considered to be a piece of paradise as long as it includes the holy bodies of the Imams (peace be upon them). such a day in the history will remain as a great tragedy and agonizing sorrow for all the faithful Muslims all over the world, and it would be mentioned and remembered at every meetings, conferences and symposiums convicting the heinous crime committed by Wahabi people whom are against Islam, Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him & his pure lineage), humanity.All the faithful Muslims all over the world should be strongly condemning such a sacrilege and convicting those inhumane people. All Muslims should also request reconstructing the sanctuaries as soon as possible because such heritage represent the great extent of the Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him & his pure lineage), and calling for such a right is one of the Muslim's identity elements.Translated by: Mohammed Jasim
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