El-Kerbala'i, "Apathy & insouciance not suitable with drama of the country", & the head corruptive have to be held into account

Aug 16, 2013. The time corresponds to the anniversary of destroying the Imams sanctuaries in El-Beqee' – Saudi Arabia. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, his eminence Sheikh Abdul Mehdi El-Kerbala'i, called the Iraqi politicians for feeling responsible for what's taking place in Iraq nowadays. His eminence mentioned that there is no one feels the responsibility, and it is the contrary, where each bloc blames the other one and holds attempts to hold them into account. Consequently, the political blocs and parties might lose their popularity and their supporters of the society. He also called .them for being courage and admitting if anything wrong occurs even if they are unable to be on TV or any other means of media. Also, by following the policy of self-interesting, nothing would be changed ever.His eminence also mentioned that apathy and insouciance never suit the drama of the country, in another word; (no one seems to care). Also, other countries go through the same event probably but they take care of them and holding the corruptive into account.He clarified that the political elimination never serves the country, but it drives it to worse. His eminence suggested a solution for the status quo that all political parties and blocs should agree and work considerately towards a better country and future. About the corruption, he emphasized that it must be cracked down as soon as possible by first holding the head of the corruptive into account. His eminence mentioned an Islamic scholar once asked about the way of getting better, and he answered that the key to being better is to eradicate corruption.His eminence concluded by mentioning the immigration of the Iraqi youths abroad seeking job opportunities in which it is a big loose for the country. And according to report by an Iraqi consul to a certain small country mentioned that there are more than a thousand Iraqi doctors employed in there, who left their country due to the all convenience they have found in that country. Based on social surveys that there is a big deterioration in the Iraqi youths for leaving the country in which it leads to recession all over the country at the level of education, science, economy, ETC… Translated by: Mohammed Jasim