Delegation of the Quran House of the Imam |Hussein holy shrine holds a Quranic ceremony at El-Rehma Mesjid (mosque) Indonesia

The delegation of the Quran House of the Imam Hussein holy shrine held a Quranic ceremony at El-Rehma Mesjid (mosque) in Indonesia.The ceremony has witnessed participation by some of the best Quran reciters from Indonesia. In addition, the audience has expressed their admiration in the two Quran memorizers Muntadher Baqir and Mohammed Baqir El-Mensuri, for their great performance in Noble Quran especially, after they answered questions about the Noble Quran and the verses at certain pages. The head of the delegation Sheikh Hasan El-Mensuri, has stated that the Quran Reciter and Memorizer Society held the Quranic ceremony on the occasion of the (Quran Revelation Night). He also mentioned that the participation by the delegation of the Imam Hussein holy shrine had been highly appraised by the audience.It's been mentioned that the delegation of the Quran House of the Imam Hussies holy shrine has been conducting their intensified activities in various cities of Indonesia by holding meetings and official visitations in terms of cooperation with the educational institutions and charities in order to enhance the level of Quranic sconces.Translated by: Mohammed Jasim