Indonesian Scholars Revivalism Organization rewards the Quranic delegation of the Imam Hussein holy shrine

The society of Quran reciters and memorizers which belongs to the Indonesian Scholars Revivalism Organization has rewarded the two Quranic reciters/memorizers Muntether Baqir El-Mensuri and Mohammed Baqir Mensuri, with certificates in appreciation of their efforts in memorizing the whole Noble Quran.The rewarding process has been done in a stately ceremony attended by a large number of people of the city and held in Rewdhat El-Mut-teqeen Mesjid (mosque) in Eastern Jawa City- Indonesia. The ceremony included reciting verses of Noble Quran and answering questions raised by people.It's been mentioned that the Quran House of the Imam Hussein holy shrine still conducts its activities in Indonesia on the occasion of Remadhan month. It's also been mentioned that the Indonesian Scholars Revivalism Organization considered one of the greatest official organizations in the world which takes care of Noble Quran and its interpretation into Islamic rules. Translated by: Mohammed Jasim