Quran House of the Imam Hussein holy shrine holds a Quranic evening ceremony in Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia

A delegation from the Quran House of the Imam Hussein holy shrine has participated in a series of Quranic evening ceremonies held in Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia. The delegation included Sheikh Hassan El-Mensuri, the head of the Department of Noble Quran, the international Quran Reciter Haj Usama Abdul Hemza and the two talented Quran memorizers Muntadhar and Mohammed Baqir El-Mensuri.El-Mensuri, stated that the Quran evening ceremony included verses of Noble Quran recited by Haj Usama Abdul Hemza and then the participation of the two talented Quran memorizers Muntadhar and Mohammed Baqir El-Mensuri, in answering questions raised by the Sheikh of the Quran reciters from Syria Mr. Kereem Rajih. The ceremony has been held at Sultan Selah Ed-Deen Shah Mesjid "mosque" and attended by a large number of specialists and interested in Noble Quran. Translated by: Mohammed Jasim