El-Kerbala'i warns of stern thought spread, & murder of Shehata & his followers are martyrs of blind fanaticism

June 28, 2013. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the supreme religious authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, his eminence Sheikh Abdul Mehdi El-Kerbala'i, mentioned that the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority condemned the assassination of Sheikh Hasan Shehata and his followers, and described them as the martyrs of the blind fanaticism. They also called the Iraqi politicians for changing their policy regarding Iraq being out of the seventh article.His eminence mentioned that it’s so bad to hear about such a crime and the Ezhar Mosque had announced a statement of strongly condemning the awful crime. He also mentioned three issues should be followed towards a better life:1. All Islamic scholars should confirm the prohibition of shedding blood of any person regardless of being Muslim or is subscribed to another religion. It is one of the important issues of peaceful coexistence and ensuring safe society.2. All Muslims of any denominations should shed light upon the real manner of Islam and the elements it calls for peaceful coexistence by instilling the needs of security, and promulgating the culture of tolerance among Muslims regardless of their denominations, in addition to avoiding sacrilege in the lectures.3. There is a political conflict which dragged down many youths into joining armed groups in order to fight seeking power and positions, and all that urged by denominational instigations. It is also considered a social crime which can never be occurred in our societies.His eminence also wished that the Egyptian people would seek what leads to peaceful coexistence, and never let any sectarian discrimination to be among their denominations.His eminence thanked those who assisted Iraq to be out of the seventh article which had been very important for the Iraqis to be free of. After Iraq has carried out all the decisions imposed by the Security Council for the crime committed during the X-regime, Iraq has paid for everything bad happened to Kuwait because of it.He also mentioned that, “We hope it is a great beginning for Iraq to start, and this opportunity should be used in order to recuperate to a better life in our country, laying out plans for development and a great investment, and scientific, cultural, educational and financial progress”Another issue his eminence shed light upon was that the check points at the entries of Kerbala Province were established about 40 kilometers far from the province which caused many pilgrims return home. He also extended his thankfulness to all the security forces, governmental service organizations, Huseinian processions and the employees of the Imam Hussein and El-Abbas holy shrines for the incomparable works and efforts they had offered.Translated by: Mohammed Jasim