Sayed El-Safi appeals to the government for compensating the flood-affected, & calls for benefiting from the college competent on the advisory aspect

May 10, 2013, Second part of the Friday sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the supreme religious authority and the preacher of the Friday sermon in Kerbala city, his Eminence Sayed Ahmed El-Safi mentioned the floods that invaded the some provinces in Iraq which occurred for the first time in Iraq. The flood damaged so much crops and properties. He also mentioned some important matters in his sermon that: "1. We pray for the flood-affected families and hope they are compensated as soon as possible.2. We extend our thankfulness to all of the governmental organizations did their best to help the flood-affected families.3. We call for activating the irrigation projects which prevent floods from occurring in the future.4. We appeal to the government for compensating the flood-affected people for what they had lost."Second part of the sermon, his eminence emphasized the necessity of holding some scientific and academic conferences for the Iraqi colleges. The purpose of holding such conferences is for developing the level of culture and education. He also called the governmental organizations for benefiting from the competent, experts in the universities in the benefit of the country. By: Mohammed Jasim