Sayed El-Safi holds the Iraq parliament fully responsible for what's happening, & criticizes members absent at this critical time

Apr 26, 2013, Second part of the Friday sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the supreme religious authority and the preacher of the Friday sermon in Kerbala city, his Eminence Sayed Ahmed El-Safi mentioned the absence of the parliaments nowadays when the country very in need to them. Absence is not a solution to solve the problems. Therefore, all the parliaments are fully and officially responsible for what is occurring recently.His eminence also mentioned that the election just finished, and we hope that the relationships between local nationals and the local governments would be better than before toward building a better country.He also said that it is very important to take care of the nature of each Iraqi city, because each city has a specific climate or known for its own resources such as cities known for the great agriculture, industry, and even environmental reserves, so we should maintain and develop them because these are part of our culture and our country. Local governments should shed light upon these important elements especially in the holy cities that are distinctive of.He concluded by saying, “We expect the great accomplishments from our new elected local governments toward offering better services for all people.” Then he supplicated by saying, “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all peoples, and all prayers and peace of Allah be upon Mohammed and his pure family.”By: Mohamed Jasim