Delegation from Australia honored by performing pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (p.b.u.h)

A delegation from Australia has had the honor to have made a pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him). The delegation consisted of 49 figures. Shaikh Za'yed El-Salami, the head of the delegation and the head of the Prophet Mohammed Islamic Center in Sydney - Australia said, "After we performed minor Haj, we have come to perform pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him)."

He also mentioned that they had been running an Islamic organization for teaching jurisprudence, issuing a periodical in the name of the Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him and His Family) and a periodical in the name of the Ahlul-Bayet (Peace Be Upon Them). He mentioned further that it was the fourth time for him visiting Imam Hussein shrine, and the first time at the museum, where we felt the grievance of the museum by having been robbed many times previously.

Mrs Kisran, a member of the delegation and an associate educationist said that her visit to Imam Hussein was the first one in her whole life, and during the pilgrimage, she went through an indescribable feeling and spirituality. She also hoped to stay in Kerbala city for noticing the magnificence of it and Imam Hussein holy shrine.

Suhail Ali, a member of the delegation and a train technician said that the visit was the first in his life and was one of his dreams he had been pursuing to have come true. He as he stated felt a tendency towards uttering (Here we are Imam Hussein). He also directed a message to the whole world that whoever would love to come shouldn't miss such a great opportunity in the whole life by getting close to Imam Hussein (p.b.u.h) and getting the highest honor ever. By: Mohammed Jasim