Imam Hussein holy shrine hosts graduation of college of medicine - Babylon University

Sponsored by the Secretariat-General of the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the Youth Care Center in cooperation with the Family Advisory Center in Babylon city held graduation of college medicine – Babylon University. This great step was to strengthen the liaisons between the Iraqi Universities and Imam Hussein holy shrine. Mr. Ali Kadhim Sultan, the in charge of the Media Department of the Imam Hussein holy shrine said in an interview, "It is one of many activities the Youth Care Center has been accomplishing such as conferences and festivals on various religious and national occasions, in addition to raise (Oh Hussein) banner at some Iraqi Universities. We found it important to host such events in order to instill the intellect of Imam Hussein (p.b.u.h) in the people whom have been merged into him."He also said that those well-educated people do feel the sense of religion, morals and the extent of their relation with the Imam (p.b.u.h).By: Mohammed Jasim