Shaikh EL-Kerbala’i delivers the opinion of the religious authority about the upcoming governorate council election

Apr 5, 2013, Second part of the Friday sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the supreme religious authority and the preacher of the Friday sermon in Kerbala city, his Eminence Shaik Abdul Mahdi EL-Kerbala’I stated that the religious authority had no tendency or negation towards any candidate or entity, it is all up to the citizen who would be responsible for his vote. The religious authority recommends choosing whoever meets the best standards such as impartiality trustworthiness. Also, they said that not the candidate should be well-known, but the whole electoral list has to meet the high qualities and standards. His eminence also mentioned that the election had to be impartial and without spending money in order to arouse the interest in a group of people to vote for a certain entity. At the same time, money received is ill-gotten property. He said further that non-underestimating a single vote must be taken into consideration, because a single vote might contribute in delivering the best elements in well-choosing an electoral list. His eminence mentioned an important matter which is the salty water increase in Basra city, where it hurts all local nationals and the economy of fishing. Also, said that urgent solutions had to be taken by the local government of Basra city, federal government and all the concerned authorities. Basra is one of the important cities where the majority of Iraq’s resources are taken from it. So, desolation projects have to be implemented immediately and cleaning the rivers from garbage to decrease the salt in the water. By: Mohammed Jasim