EL-Shaikh EL-Kerbala'i, "Security plans must be reviewed, and we warn of staying the same situation"

Mar 22, 2013. Second part of the Friday sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the supreme religious authority Sayed Ali EL-Husseiny EL-Sayestany, and the preacher of the Friday sermon in Kerbala city, his eminence Shaikh Abdul Mahdy EL-Kerbala’i warned the blocs of the consequences of staying the security and political situation and the unjustified dispute as they are. He also warned them of the reaction of the Iraqi people whom are known with great patience.It’s already known that many funds spent on the security forces; and they are not operating well where there are many duties that must be perfectly accomplished.He also said that the country going through no good situation due to the political disputes among the blocs and parties. All the officials in power have to reconsider what’s going on.His eminence concluded by mentioning that there were events usually take place in the other countries such as a politician or Minister resigns if any problem would occur and hard to be solved easily, but it wouldn’t happen in Iraq and no one would settle an account with them because of the attitude of indifference and carelessness. We all need to change everything, feel each other and rectify ourselves.By: Mohammed jasim