The two Secretariats-General of the Imam Hussein & EL-Abbas holy shrines celebrate the auspicious birthday of Lady Zainab (p.b.u.h)

The two Secretariats-General of the Imam Hussein & EL-Abbas holy shrines stately celebrated the auspicious birthday of Lady Zainab (p.b.u.h). The celebration was inaugurated with reciting some verses of Noble Quran by Sayed Ja'fer EL-Shamy. Poems have been recited by some poets in which they expressed their veneration towards Lady Zainab (p.b.u.h). That venerable Lady who presented the best of the most decent attitude through her sacrifice, and she manifested many weak points in the society and rectified them. She also presented what every single faithful mother, sister or daughter in the whole world should be proud of, and every woman should be proud of her decency and dignity, and should always emulate Lady Zainab (p.b.u.h). By: Mohammed Jasim