Kerbala local government: The number of pilgrims expected to exceed 16 millions

The deputy chairman of the Kerbala governorate council the engineer Nsaief Jassim EL-Khitaby said, "It is expected that Kerbala would witness the greatest pilgrimage ever decades ago, data mentioned that the number of the pilgrims exceeded 16 millions, especially the pilgrims started coming earlier this year".EL-Khitaby mentioned that the processions already took their positions and installed their tents three weeks ago, as well as the first groups of pilgrims arrived more than 15 days ago.He also said that the crowds of people would reach the summit one night before and in the morning of the pilgrimage day, therefore, Najaf city is ready to provide all the needs that each pilgrim needs such as food, housing and security. Also mentioned that 650 thousands of Arab and foreigner pilgrims of 30 nationalities from different continents. By: Mohammed Jassim