Sayed EL-Safy calls the security forces for taking necessary precautions for receiving the fortieth Pilgrimage, and asks the government for monetarism

On the 29th of Moharram month 1434 A.D. corresponds to 14-Dec-2012. Second part of the Friday sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the supreme religious authority and the preacher of Friday sermon in Kerbala city his Eminence Sayed Ahmed EL-Safy discussed the Fortieth Pilgrimage and the speeches by the Imams about it, the speeches that urge the faithful believers to perform it for having great traits and rewards. His Eminence also advised pilgrims coming on foot to perform pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (p.b.u.h) to: 1. Using the time when walking in thinking of self-rectification regardless of the walker if they are officially in power at a certain position or they are normal individuals. 2. Learning discipline and rules from the life of Imam Hussein (p.b.u.h), because his chaste life and his struggling movement was smart and arranged. They also should practically perform those great principles on the Fortieth Pilgrimage by maintaining the public property. 3. Pilgrims should be aware of some possible terrorist groups not to harm them. 4. We adjure the security forces to be cautious and not be inattentive towards their duty to protect people's lives. 5. Pilgrims should realize the holiness of whom they are coming for, and avoid all bad conducts during performing rituals. His Eminence also adjured the officials in power to facilitate all obstacles for the pilgrims coming from abroad by air or by land, and avoid all difficulties happened in the past years. Officials should start preparing the necessary preparations to receive pilgrims. This process might need some extra personnel to be done by facilitating official lettering, easing routine, reduce executive channels. Pilgrimage is enormous and millionth as described. so, all people should work together to ensure the best for the pilgrims as possible from inside and outside of Iraq.On the third part of the ceremony, EL-Safy, calls the governmental entities for monetarism. He also mentioned, "most of the funds are spent on useless projects with being involved in corruption". Also, mentioned that nowadays; Iraq is known with corruption due to the corruptive individuals; and that was proven according to the international statistics and reports that disclosed all facts that hurt us from inside and make us disappointed towards the future of Iraq. Also mentioned that block all legal gaps might be used by the greedy. So, we call all governmental entities for taking courageous steps to help reducing corruption as much as possible, because it is a real danger threatening Iraq. By: Mohammed Jassim