On the 15th of Moharram month 1434 A.D. corresponds to 30-Nov-2012, the second ceremony of Fridays prayer, the representative of the supreme religious authority and the preacher of Friday's prayer in Kerbala' city Sayed Ahmed EL-Safy discussed some of the problems Iraq is going through nowadays, problems Iraq exposed to. One of those problems is the terrorists attacks hit some cities and Kerbala' city is above all. He also called the security forces for taking necessary precautions all time, and being inattentive would lead loss of lives, and enemy of Iraq is seeking gaps innocent people. His Eminence mentioned the environmental pollution that might cause a spread of diseases. All the concerned parties should shed light upon this problem and they have to lay educational plans and programs in order to bring up the environmental level. Also, mentioned that some citizens and employees lack the environmental education. Environmental education represents the progress of the country and the extent of the society is modernized.EL-Safy Also mentioned the administrative and financial corruption spread in Iraq; calling for ending it and find out beneficial solutions in order to extirpate. Unfortunately, there are some governmental parties conniving at if they are not supporting it. Also, there are some rules with gaps being used by some crooked individuals to fulfill their objectives, we would state it frankly that there are crooked heads; without changing replacing them nothing will be changed, so what is the responsible authority for eliminating this. He emphasized that it's obligatory to implement sentence in corruptive individuals in order to be a lesson for whoever would ever try to deal wrongly with Iraqi people's funds or properties.He concluded by calling the governmental entities that, "If you are unable to deal with corruption because it became more difficult; you step aside and let the qualified, faithful and impartial elements in Iraq to rectify the situation, and we thank God because we have a lot of them". Also, Iraq is the country of the sacrifices, originality and noble deeds, for this; we would never ever let anyone defame Iraq or Iraqis.By: Mohammed Jassim
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