Sayed EL-Safi calls for activating the governmental foundations and obeying regulations

2nd of Nov-2012. Second part of the Friday sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the supreme religious authority and the preacher of Friday sermon in Kerbala city his Eminence Ahmed EL-Safy, called for activating the governmental foundations in managing the country by obeying the regulations in order to keep the standing of the government.His Eminence also mentioned that building the country needs some constituents in order to be developed and strong economically. Perhaps some of the constituents are the affluence and wealth. Allah has bestowed all these blessings upon us. So, Iraq is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Therefore, we need to think seriously to build our country, then we must be aware that managing wealth and investing them in addition to managing the government has to be done through an accurate foundations system with avoidance of the administrative corruption and wasting the funds and time. Unfortunately the politicians don't depend on the foundations system to build the country properly.No one can legislate a certain law himself, so we have to respect and properly follow them. Foundation system means respecting degree, specialization, annihilation of money forgery getting rid of the selective and exclusionary policies. We also lack regard in our foundations that must be available, for more information; the working class is the only social class which get damaged because of that, so; what did we offer them.His Eminence concluded his ceremony saying, “what makes the governmental foundations work indistinctive is that it’s going through patronage of a special interest extensively for the officials by preferring themselves to the others.Managing these foundations continuously will entirely damage the government entities such as the health, education, army, Police and others. So, each official must account for what he does before accounting for what the others do”. By: Mohammed Jassim