Why did the Holy Shrine inaugurate an Islamic center in Japan?

The Ashab al-Kisaa (PBUT) Center for International Guidance, at the Holy Shrine, announced the inauguration of the Imam al-Mahdi Center in Japan to share Ahlu al-Bayt sciences and heritage with the whole world.

The center's deputy director, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fatlawi, said in an interview with Karbala TV channel, "The center's activities in Japan have started since the last Muharram Al-Haram." Noting that "the center's delegation prepared the plans, waiting for the inauguration after completing the schools' curriculums."

It is stated that the Holy Shrine's General Secretariat sponsors numerous religious schools within and outside Iraq and makes every effort to support them.

Translated by / Aba al-Hassan Abbas


: Aba al-Hassan Abbas