Precepts of Supreme Religious Authority for living with other religions and religious denominations

In a meeting with a delegation comprised of Arab and foreign figures from different countries, such as U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Sweden, India, and Pakistan, who came to the holy city of Karbala to make a pilgrimage to Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him), representative of the Shia Muslim Supreme Religious Authority sheikh Abdul-Mehdi AlKarbala’ey called for utilizing the Hussainian cause and disseminating it widely.

AlKarbala'ey emphasized the necessity of adhering to the principles for which Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) had sacrificed himself, saying, “It is important to adhere to Imam Hussain’s morals in terms of dealing with other religions and religious denominations.”

Deputy Secretary-General Sa’ad Eddeen Hashim said the delegation arrived in Karbala on the day that marked the Arba’een pilgrimage to make a pilgrimage to Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) and to be cognizant of the Imam Hussain Shrine’s projects.


By: Ibrahim ElUaini

Translation: Mohammed Alobaidi
