Supreme Religious Authority: Was Imam Hussain's (Peace Be Upon Him) Reformation achieved or not?

The representative of the Shia Muslim Supreme Religious Authority, sayyid Ahmed Essafi, in the Friday’s sermon he delivered at the Imam Hussain Shrine on Friday, October 5, 2018, wondered, “Was the reformation, for which Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) had risen, achieved or not?”

He also said that Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) was a great personality, and he would never waste his life for a cause he was uncertain of, although death is inevitable for humankind.

Essafi added, “Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) was fully aware of his cause; he rose for an objective he defined, saying, ‘I have not risen to spread corruption or discord, but I have risen to rectify the nation (Muslims) of my grandfather.’ And he was cognizant that his objective would not be achieved if he remained alive; he was aware that he would be murdered on the Day of Ashura. He nevertheless preserved his motto.”

He noted that it is significant when a person, such as Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) wants to achieve reformation; it ought to be achieved without failure, saying, “Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) wanted to achieve reformation like prophet Noah (Peace Be Upon Him), who remained among his nation for the time God wanted him, and tried to have people believe in God, but they – including his son – did not.”

“The Day of Ashura was inadequate for Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) to achieve his objective, which was to guide people righteously, but he sacrificed himself, and after his martyrdom, his reformation was strongly led by his son Imam Ali Essejjad (Peace Be Upon Him),” said further Essafi.

He mentioned that one of the biggest challenges Imam Essejjad (Peace Be Upon Him) confronted was the misleading media, which had presented the community – the Imam faced – with a counterfeit Islam.

Essafi added further that the Damascus government disinformation played an influential role in misleading people and keeping them away from the true principles of Islam, indicating that even wise individuals cannot do anything if the whole nation is misled, and such people did not give Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) the opportunity to communicate with them on the Day of Ashura; they never listened to him and said to him, “You have exasperated us by attempting to coax us with many proofs that you are of truth,” and then stoped their ears in order no to listen to him.

He concluded, saying, “The community Imam Essejjad (Peace Be Upon Him) faced believed that the one—Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him)—who was killed in Kufa City, Iraq, was a rebellious person who rose against the prince—Yazeed, the cursed—and God granted Yazeed success to kill Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him). All that was made through the misleading media,” emphasizing that media and publicity have existed throughout the ages.


Edited by: Wela’ Esseffar

Translation: Mohammed Alobaidi
