Minister of Interior visits Imam Hussein Shrine for Arba'een pilgrimage security plan


The Iraqi Minister of Interior Qasim El-E’reji in has visited Imam Hussein Shrine and met up with the Shia Muslim Supreme Religious Authority sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbela’e to discuss a joint security plan for the upcoming Arba’een pilgrimage.


El-E’reji – after the meeting – said that they set a security plan in cooperation with Imam Hussein Shrine to take care of the pilgrims, confirming that all the troops are fully ready and willing to cordon off the holy city of Kerbela.


Kerbela is expected to receive 25 million local and foreign pilgrims this season, and there are more than 10000 groups of volunteers working day and night to host and take care of all the pilgrims coming into Kerbela.



By: Ibrahim El-Uwaini

Translation: Mohammed Alobaidi
