Family In Islam

Islam has instituted the system of family on sound bases agreeing with the life necessities and the individual's requirements and behavior. It has regarded the family talents that are afforded by God, as spontaneous. God says: And one of his signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He put between you love and compassion. This phenomenon on which mankind have been natured is one of God's grand portents and graces. Islam also works for arranging the Muslim families to be good exemplars and have the elements of orthodox leadership. As God exposes the manners of the virtuous servants, He says: O Our Lord! Grant us in our wives and our offspring the joy of our eyes, and make us guides to those who guard against evil. The availability of good exemplars and virtuous patterns is the most important rule in the educational processes. The system of families that is instituted by Islam relies upon the deep cognizance of the elements of family contentment and bond in physiological, mental, and social fields. It calls for satisfying each individual with kindness, affection, moderation, and settlement. Islam cares a lot for achieving amiability, understanding, and harmony between spouses since their bond represents the chief core of families. These qualities are available in the ideal spouses about whom Hammerlock Alice said, Ideal marriage does not rest on accordant desires. It rests upon a chaste union that is based upon deep warmth that increases day by day to scope all of the fields. This is the union of flavors, feelings, and tendencies. It is the union of common life as it binds to paternity burdens. Islam wants the sexual bonds to be ideal and based firmly upon love and understanding so that the educational processes will fruit effectively and create sound societies. Islam has legislated for attaining all of the objective courses aiming at conciliating, developing, and leading the families to prosperity. On that account, it paid a special attention to the role of home, and ordered the common ethics among families and delimited the private duties that bring about family association and have a positive influence on the educational composition.