Shia Muslim mourners commemorate the assassination of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him)

In Saturday's early morning, thousands of Shia Muslim mourners commemorated the tragic anniversary of the assassination of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali son of Abi Talib (Peace Be Upon Him), at the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine. Muslims offered their mourning rituals, expressing their sincere condolences to Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) and then proceeded to the Holy Shrine of El-Abbas (Peace Be Upon him) where they also offered their mourning rituals and expressed their heartfelt condolences to El-Abbas (Peace Be Upon Him). Today sorrowfully marks the 19th day of Ramadhan month when Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) was hit on his head with a sword by the cursed murderer Abdur-Rehman, son of Muljem, while the Imam was praying early in the morning. Narratives tell that Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) remained alive for three days after he had been hit, and during that period of time, he handed the caliphate over to his older son, Imam El-Hasan (Peace Be Upon Him). By: Hussein El-Khushaimi Translated by: Moahmmed Alobaidi
