Paramilitaries of Imam Hussein Holy Shrine equipped to eliminate ISIS in Fallujah

The Imam Hussein Holy Shrine announces the readiness of Ali El-Akber Paramilitary Brigade which has recently been equipped with 12.7 mm Fifty-Cal weapons and Korean-made K4 RBGs by the Ministry of Defense of Iraq to eliminate the rest of the ISIS in Fallujah City. The Ministry of Defense previously equipped the brigade with armored BMP-1 vehicles, in addition to training the soldiers on war-fighting integration tactics for three months. Ahmed Fahed, Director of Follow-Up Affairs of Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, stated that the brigade is now situated in Garmah District, Fallujah, following the commands directed by the Board of Paramilitary of the Prime Ministry of Iraq.     By: Wela' Es-Seffar Translated by: Mohammed Alobaidi
