August 7, 2015. Second part of the Friday's Sermon held at the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday's Sermon in Kerbala, His Eminence, sayyed Ahmed Es-Safi, said that the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence, sayyed Ali Es-Seystani, called on the Prime Minister Mr. El-‘Ebadi, to be sterner in his reformative steps, and to crack down the corruptors; those who abuse the funds of Iraqi people.
His Eminence also mentioned that, His Eminence, Es-Seystani, called on the political components to be aware of the danger if the status quo of Iraq continues without laying down radical solutions to the Iraqi people’s problems for which they have been patient for a long time.
He mentioned that Iraq has been going through a very difficult time and crises that seriously affected the Iraqis’ lives, where many of the Iraqis are now fighting the terrorist ISIS; and all the political authorities have to be united in order to support those who are laying down their lives for their country against terrorism and to provide them with everything they need.
He said further that Iraq has been confronting economic and financial problems, in addition to a great lack in public services; and the reason behind that is corruption which invaded all the state institutions. He also said that all the political components who used to or those who now assume authority have to bear the responsibility for all the problems that the Iraqi people experienced in the past or are experiencing nowadays.
Translated by: Mohammed Jasim
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