El-Kerbala’i Warns Central Government of Scorning Iraqis’ Demands

July 31, 2015. Second part of the Friday's Sermon held in the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday's Sermon in Kerbala; His Eminence, sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala'i mentioned two issues:


    People, in many Iraqi cities, are suffering from the lack of public services, especially the electricity which people need most during the hot weather nowadays. It’s been expected that the successive government will improve the electricity, in addition to implementing correct steps in terms of providing Iraqis with their basic needs. But, unfortunately, every government blames the previous one, forgetting about even easing the burden on people.

    Many nationals are now suffering from unemployment where they can’t find any job opportunity to support themselves, and what’s worse than that is the financial and administrative corruption.

    Concerning terrorism and security chaos, such two issues from which most of the Iraqis are suffering; those people are still patient and they are, in fact, sacrificing themselves and their sons in fighting the terrorist ISIS, only to defend their own country Iraq, and its dignity, where the government seems to be overlooking what’s taking place. But, patience has limits, and this can never ever be waited for.

       Central government and local governments must respond to the Iraqis' demands respectfully, avoiding using violent means. Moreover, the government should beware of scorning or belittling people’s legitimate rights.

    Those who are in power are hoped to work faithfully and persistently to assist people to fulfill their needs, in addition to socializing with the population as much as possible to realize the misery and sufferings Iraqi people are bitterly experiencing nowadays.


        The great Iraqi army, Counter-Terrorism Units, and Popular Mobilization Forces are constantly countering the terrorist ISIS in many areas in El-Ambar city. Therefore, we highly appreciate their remarkable, incomparable efforts, and we also emphasize the necessity of more people of those areas, especially the tribal people, participating in this war against terrorism. And joining the Iraqi army and popular mobilization forces is a great sign of their patriotism and national bond. The concerned officials need to be open to the people in those areas in order to support them and provide them with their needs so they can counter the terrorist ISIS.


Translated by: Mohammed Jasim 
