Advanced Electronic Tabs for Religious Schools  

A new religious school for women and orphanage project is being achieved by the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, which is supposed to be completely finished in the next couple of days.

The management of the project has signed a contract with Smart Canadian Company to equip the project with Chinese-made electronic tabs, at the cost of approximately $100 million.

The tabs will have specific qualities, such as UF70 display, 3000 lumens, 230W, 16:9 – 5:4 display support, ultra-shadow free, HDTV, HD 1080p, HDMI, and PAL-NTSCthat, suit students in the classroom. In addition, electronic boards will be equipped, too that operate with MAC and Windows systems.

The objective behind that is to instill a well-versed learning process in students.

By: Ibrahim El-Oaini

Translated by: Mohammed Jasim

